To find a class, follow these steps:
- select district, city, school, ...

If you are looking for is not in the database, you can create it by clicking on the appropriate link on the page. Just add a school and class.

If the city and the school can be found, select a year of their studies. If the year is not based here, class is not yet created, and you can start it again by clicking on the appropriate link.

If you find and select a city, school and year of completion, choose from the list of classes that you have attended. And again - if the class does not find in the list, you can create it.

If you find a class, you will find that the system asks for the answer to a secret question that contractors founder (manager) class. If you do not know the answer and you are still convinced that the class is correct, please contact the administrator class (click the link under the box for the answer) or site administrator.

After entering the class, you can view what your classmates have already put into classes, papers on the bulletin board, pictures, articles, engage in discussion or determine if a class is not held another meeting.

To you also add images, calendar event, articles, change their data and have their membership fully under their control, you have to be (if you are not registered, you must register as a server under his e-mail and password.
» Switzerland [ch]

Choosing district

DistrictNumber of townsNumber of schoolsNumber of classes
AG - Aargau111
AI - Appenzell I. Rh.000
AR - Appenzell A. Rh.000
BE - Bern / Berne111
BL - Basel-Landschaft000
BS - Basel-Stadt111
FR - Fribourg / Freiburg000
GE - Genève110
GL - Glarus000
GR - Graubünden / Grigioni111
JU - Jura000
LU - Luzern000
NE - Neuchâtel000
NW - Nidwalden000
OW - Obwalden000
SG - St. Gallen210
SH - Schaffhausen000
SO - Solothurn110
SZ - Schwyz000
TG - Thurgau000
TI - Ticino000
UR - Uri000
VD - Vaud000
VS - Valais / Wallis000
ZG - Zug000
ZH - Zürich222